To the 100th anniversary of I.E. Klimenko in Smolensk will host festive events

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Celebrations dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Efimovich Klimenko, an honorary citizen of the Smolensk region, will start in Smolensk. In the Smolensk region, special attention is paid to perpetuating the memory of an outstanding leader. In 2019, the socio-economic forum “Development Territory” was named after him, and since June 2020, a park on Karl Marx Street has been named after Ivan Efimovich, not far from which is the house where he lived.

On behalf of the Governor, a large festive program has been prepared in 2021. One of the first events was the opening of the traveling exhibition “Ivan Efimovich Klimenko: Years of Creation and Achievements in the Smolensk Region”. It was created on the basis of the Smolensk Construction College. It contains documents that tell about the life of our outstanding fellow countryman.

Also in the regional philharmonic society will be held a concert program “Thoughts of the past …”, and at Smolensk State University will host a scientific and educational seminar “Ivan Efimovich Klimenko:” golden era “of the development of the Smolensk region.”

In addition, classroom hours will be held in schools, where they will tell about Ivan Efimovich. Schoolchildren will also be able to take part in local history competitions. For students of secondary specialized educational organizations, the city scientific and practical conference “Economic and cultural development of the Smolensk region under the leadership of I.E. Klimenko “.