Throwing the baby out of the window in the “new Moscow” explained the reason for the incident

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The woman who threw the baby out of the window of an apartment on the 13th floor of a building located in the “new Moscow” explained the reason for her act. According to her, everything happened on emotions, and she did not want to do this, the website reports.

As it became known, on this day, a 30-year-old Muscovite, who is in the last months of pregnancy, came to visit her friend and her newborn daughter to pick up children’s things. What exactly happened between the women is not known, but at some point the guest opened the window and threw a 2-month-old girl into it. The baby died at the scene.

According to preliminary data, when this happened, the mother of the newborn was not in the apartment. The site’s source claims that she went to the store for a few minutes and asked a friend to look after her daughter.

Before the arrival of the ambulance, according to eyewitnesses, the girl’s mother did not leave her body, and her friend did not go out into the street.

At the moment, the woman is being interrogated, and she has already admitted her guilt. It is known that the suspect herself is from a dysfunctional family and she has had drug problems since school. A website source close to the investigation said that she had been registered with the police for several years.

The father of the murdered child suggested that at the time of the incident, his wife’s girlfriend was under drugs, or she had schizophrenia. The presence of prohibited substances in a woman’s body will now be established by an examination. Investigators are also checking the version of the suspect’s illness.

The fact that women threw out the window of her friend’s newborn child in new Moscow became known earlier that day. On the fact of the incident, a criminal law was instituted under the article “Murder of a minor”. The suspect was detained.

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