Three Vologda residents attacked a 16-year-old teenager and hijacked his car

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By admin

The incident took place in Vologda last summer. Three friends aged 20, 17 and 16 saw an advertisement for the sale of a VAZ-21093 car and decided to steal it.

A 16-year-old teenager was selling the transport. The residents of Vologda met him, got into the car and set off. On the way, the senior accused threatened the teenager with an object that looked like a pistol and demanded to get out of the car. There was also an 18-year-old friend of the victim in the cabin, who was beaten by accomplices on the way. The robbers got the keys and stole the car.

The police promptly discovered the theft. By a court decision, the 20-year-old and 17-year-old offenders will spend four years in a strict regime colony, the youngest defendant was given a two-year and six-month suspended sentence with a two-year probationary period.

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