Thousands seek to adopt a 9-year-old boy after seeing his heartbreaking plea for a new family

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“I hope one of y’all pick me,” he told KFOR. “I would just like to have a family to call mom and dad, or just mom, or just dad. I don’t really care.”

When asked what he’d do if he was given three wishes, Jordan said he really only needs one.

“To have a family, and family, family. Those are the only wishes I have,” said Jordan, who wants to be a police officer when he grows up.

The adoption requests have come from all over the United States, but a spokeswoman for the agency said they would like a family in Oklahoma to adopt Jordan, so he can maintain a relationship with his younger brother, who was adopted separately.

Casey White told CNN that some of the potential parents were already going through the extensive vetting required to adopt a child when they heard Jordan’s story.

“Our main goal is to find the best family for every child, and so it’s wonderful to have a wide variety of families to choose from, so that you can find the best fit for each individual child because every child has their own unique needs,” she said.

Jordan is currently living in a group home and has moved around a lot in the six years he’s been in the agency’s care. White said he’s suffered a lot of loss and trauma in his life.

“So he really needs a super understanding family, a family who’s fairly experienced with parenting and with parenting a kiddo who has experienced trauma,” she said.

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Christopher Marlowe, the child welfare specialist in charge of finding Jordan’s permanent home, is working with other DHS staff to narrow down the list to find the right match.

“I’m really excited about this and very hopeful this is going to be the breakthrough we needed to find this kid a home,” he told KFOR.

White said she’s optimistic that Jordan will find a home and hopes that some of the people who were moved by his story consider adopting other children.

“It really is important that people understand that Jordan is not alone and there are just so many other kids, just like him, who have been through trauma who really need a family who is willing to step forward for them,” she said.

White said there are about 7,700 children in foster care in Oklahoma and 500 are ready to to be adopted.

“If we can recruit more foster families and more adoptive families from the story, as well as getting Jordan in his home, that would be just a win-win,” she said.

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