Those returning to Germany from areas at risk were obliged to take a test for COVID-19

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All those returning to Germany from August 8 will have to be tested for coronavirus without fail. We are talking about the citizens of Germany who have visited the so-called risk zones – countries where there are many infected with coronavirus. This was announced on Thursday, August 6, by the German Ministry of Health in its Twitter with reference to the head of department Jens Spahn.

It is noted that testing for infection will be free.

“Since Saturday, repatriates from abroad can be tested for free. The risk is especially high where many people are infected – in risk areas. For everyone who returns from such places, we play carefully, conducting mandatory testing, ”the ministry said in a statement.

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), regions of countries where more than 50 new infections per 100 thousand inhabitants have been identified in the last seven days are considered risk zones.

On August 4, it became known that the German government agreed with Ankara on the possibility of the Germans making tourist trips to certain provinces of Turkey, in particular to Antalya, Izmir, Aydin and Muglu. There, as noted by the authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany, there is a low level of cases of coronavirus infection – over the past week, about five new cases per 100 thousand inhabitants.

At the same time, citizens who return to Germany from Turkey will have to take a coronavirus test at their own expense no later than 48 hours before departure.

Since June 15, Germany has lifted travel restrictions to various EU countries and the UK. At the same time, on June 9 it was reported that the German authorities intend to extend the restrictions on travel of citizens to third countries until August 31.

In Germany itself, according to the Robert Koch Institute, cited by the FAZ on Thursday, 1045 new cases of infection were registered over the past day, and the day before this figure was 741. In total, since the beginning of the epidemic, about 213 thousand people have been infected with coronavirus in the country, 9175 have died. The number of recovered exceeds 195 thousand patients.

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