They sunbathed and joked: a resident of Noyabrsk complained about the ambulance doctors who refused to help him

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In Noyabrsk, a local resident posted a complaint on social media against ambulance doctors, who, according to him, refused to help him. A post about this was published on August 11 in the public “Incidents of Noyabrsk” in “VKontakte”.

“On August 9, while relaxing on Lake Svetloye, my allergic rhinitis worsened, it was generally difficult to breathe, my nostrils were clogged, my eyes were red. I went for help to the doctors who were on duty there, and as a result, I found only the driver in the ambulance. The driver said that the paramedics are sunbathing, and noted their approximate location. I went to look for them, that’s right, they lie and sunbathe, they didn’t even raise their heads when I approached them. As a result, they refused to help me, relying on the fact that they did not have a pharmacy. And they also joked behind my back that they could offer a tampon, ”wrote Artem Grozny.

Residents of Noyabrsk in social networks are actively discussing this situation, while many did not believe the man, doubting the veracity of the story. Someone noted that doctors are on duty at the lake to help people in emergencies, and allergy sufferers must always carry the necessary medicines with them.

At the Noyabrsk ambulance station, they reported that an official investigation was being carried out on this appeal.

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