What kind of porridge helps to reduce the level of cholesterol in human blood, said Julia Pigareva, head of the nutritional department of the Vinogradov City Clinical Hospital.
So, the most useful porridge, which helps to lower cholesterol, is oatmeal, the specialist said in an interview with AiF. The fact is that this cereal is enriched with dietary fiber.
This porridge will be loved by people who seek to control their weight. It provides a long-lasting feeling of fullness, which in turn makes it difficult to overeat and gain excess weight.
For those who avoid animal products, a nutritionist advises eating quinoa. This cereal is an excellent source of vegetable protein.
As Yulia Pigareva notes, the most useful are whole grain cereals, in which the upper words are not cleared. Such porridge must be cooked for twenty or more minutes.