The village of Bryn in the Kaluga region will be turned into a tourist destination

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In the Kaluga region, they decided to improve the village of Bryn in order to increase its tourist attractiveness. The improvement project was presented in Duminichi.

In accordance with the project, they plan to open a hotel in the village, which will consist of individual cottages and townhouses, to improve the Prishvina park and Stary Torg square. In addition, a network of pedestrian paths will be built there, recreation areas near boulders, a cafe with a summer terrace, a souvenir shop, an apple orchard and a fairground will be equipped.

As the newspaper “Vest” writes, the general concept of improvement is the inclusion of boulders, also called “sheep’s foreheads”, into the landscape of the park. Around the boulders, it is planned to equip recreation areas with the use of gravel, as well as to organize a “natural” playground.

It is also planned to develop tourist routes “Legends and the story of the Bryn forest” They will pass through the nearest villages with excursions based on epics and fairy tales about the life of Old Believers and the events of the war years.

These routes will be designed for cyclists, walkers and horse riders. One can be up to 24 km long. Along the route, every 500 m, places for rest and rest are organized, including with access to the lake.

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