The US did not like the findings of the WHO on the origin of the coronavirus

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China should be provided with data on the spread of the new coronavirus from the earliest days of the outbreak. This was stated by the Assistant to the President of the United States for National Security Jake Sullivan.

According to him, the United States is “deeply concerned about the way the investigation data was presented” about the early stages of the spread of COVID-19. Also, the United States has questions about how this data was obtained.

One of the most important challenges is maintaining the credibility of the findings of the World Health Organization (WHO), Sullivan said in a statement. In this regard, her report should be independent and based on the findings of experts. He should not be subject to interference from the Chinese authorities.

Earlier, the head of the international team of WHO experts who visited Uzan, Peter Ben Embarek, said that the theory of the appearance of COVID-19 in a local laboratory is “unlikely.” At the same time, it turned out that China “refused to provide investigators with raw data” about the disease.

Read also “A new scandal has arisen around the WHO investigation into the origin of the coronavirus”