The unfinished hospital building on Lesnoy Prospekt in Petrozavodsk is planned to be completed

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Yesterday the head of Karelia on his page on the social network announced that work had begun again in the unfinished building of the interdistrict hospital located on Drevlyanka. Concern Vega will be engaged in large-scale reconstruction of the facility, as well as its connection to engineering networks. Parfenchikov stressed that the company will have to develop a project on its own, carry out construction work and even equip the building with the necessary medical equipment. The contract with the previous contractor had to be terminated due to a poor-quality project.

The news about the completion of the long-term construction on Lesnoy Prospekt aroused mistrust and joy among the citizens of Petrozavodsk.

So, one of the residents of the republic, in the comments under the post, expressed confidence that the walls of the building have been saturated with mold and damp since Soviet times, and that it would be more correct to demolish this building and erect a new one in its place. However, the Ministry of Construction of Karelia assured that the building had been examined and there were no grounds for demolition.

Parfenchikov said that this construction is one of the important projects within the framework of the Federal Target Program. Block “A” after reconstruction is going to occupy inpatient departments of the Republican Hospital, and in block “B” they plan to place children’s and adult polyclinics. The residents of Perevalka and Drevlyanka will be served there.

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