The street from which the car was evacuated in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk was again forced by cars in 15 minutes

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In Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, another raid was carried out to evacuate illegally parked cars. More than a dozen vehicles of violators were taken out of Buyukly and Leonov streets.

The raid was carried out in the morning, at about 11 o’clock. But as soon as the traffic police and evacuators left the street, the cars of the townspeople reappeared under the prohibiting sign. According to eyewitnesses, they completely forced the street named after Anton Buyukly in about 15 minutes.

Such raids are carried out regularly. Last time the traffic police took 15 cars, and 20 fines were issued. For parking under the sign “No Stop” there is a fine of 1,500 rubles, and the driver will be charged the cost of evacuation of 3,868 rubles and 41 rubles for each hour that the car spends in the parking lot. However, such measures do not stop those who are lazy to look for a legitimate parking spot.