The State Duma called on Ukraine to stop hostilities in Donbass

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The statements of the Ukrainian leadership regarding the conflict in Donbass have gone far. Kiev needs to fulfill the Minsk agreements and stop escalating the situation in the region, Chairman of the State Duma Viacheslav Volodin wrote on April 4 on his Telegram channel.

He noted that there are calls from the representatives of Kiev to intimidate people, and the actions lead to increased tension in the region. The real reason for the death of a child in Donetsk, who was killed as a result of a blow by a Ukrainian drone, lies in the actions of Kiev, the speaker of the State Duma is sure.

According to Volodin, Ukrainian politicians do not assume any responsibility in the hope of assistance from foreign countries, but “not everything that is beneficial for the United States is beneficial for Europe.” In addition, the United States itself has not helped the Ukrainian economy over the past seven years.

“Even if the United States charges a payment for protection from its NATO partners, it will demand a triple price from Ukraine,” he said.

He called on Kiev to do everything possible to implement the Minsk agreements.

“Stop escalating the situation in Donbass if you don’t want to end your political career in The Hague,” the politician concluded.

Earlier on Sunday, a civilian was injured by an explosive device dropped by Ukrainian security forces from an unmanned aerial vehicle, the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic said.

The day before, as a result of an attack on the outskirts of Donetsk by a drone, a child born in 2016 died, and a woman born in 1954 was injured. Commenting on the incident, the head of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutsky noted that the West ignores the crimes of the Kiev regime, once again proving that it does not really need peace in Ukraine.

Since 2014, Kiev has been conducting a military operation against the residents of Donbass, who refused to recognize the results of the coup and the new government in Ukraine. At the same time, Kiev places responsibility for the situation on the Russian Federation. Moscow has repeatedly stressed that it is not a party to the internal Ukrainian conflict and called for a settlement.

The issue of resolving the situation in Donbass is being discussed, among other things, at the meetings of the contact group in Minsk.