The State Duma appreciated Biden’s refusal to recognize Crimea as Russian

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The refusal of US President Joe Biden to recognize Crimea as a Russian region is not surprising, otherwise the American leader would have to acknowledge the involvement of the United States in the coup in Ukraine in 2014. This was stated on Friday, February 26, by the deputy of the State Duma from Crimea Konstantin Bakharev.

“Neither he, nor anyone else who was then part of the Obama administration, will never publicly declare a different position on Crimea. For them, recognizing the Russian status of Crimea is political suicide, ”Bakharev said in a conversation with RIA Novosti.

Earlier in the day, Biden’s statement appeared on the White House website that the United States would never recognize Crimea as Russian. Washington will continue to work to bring Russia to justice “for its abuses and aggression in Ukraine,” the document says.

As Biden believes, Russia seven years ago “violated international law, the norms by which modern countries interact with each other, as well as the sovereignty and territorial integrity of neighboring Ukraine” by joining the peninsula.

Crimea became part of Russia following the 2014 referendum. 96.77% of the region’s residents and 95.6% of the voters of Sevastopol supported the accession. The procedure, as the Russian authorities have repeatedly stated, took place in strict accordance with international law. However, Kiev still considers the peninsula to be its temporarily occupied territory. Moscow argued that the issue of the subject’s ownership was closed forever.