The State Department called Maduro’s departure the only way to resolve the crisis in Venezuela

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The only way to resolve the crisis in Venezuela, according to Washington, is the resignation of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. This statement was made on Thursday, July 30, at a telephone briefing for journalists by Acting Assistant Secretary of State for the Western Hemisphere, Michael Kozak.

“The Maduro regime must accept the fact that the way out of this crisis will not be a situation in which everyone will simply stop pressure on them and allow them to remain in illegitimate power and oppress the people of Venezuela. Such a decision will not lead to anything, and it will not happen, “TASS quotes him.

Kozak believes that only “free and fair” elections for the new leadership of the country will “resolve the crisis of legitimacy.” According to an official of the American Foreign Ministry, this can be done only if Maduro gives power to a government “acceptable to the majority, that is, both for the Chavists (supporters of the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela – Ed.) And for those who prevail in National Assembly ”.

Such a government, Kozak noted, organizes the elections.

“But the problem all this time is that Maduro is not even going to discuss anything at all, involving the transfer of power or even the risk of losing power in the conduct of real elections,” the diplomat summed up.

Venezuela’s National Electoral Council previously approved the date for elections to the country’s National Assembly (parliament). Voting will take place on December 6, candidate registration will take place from August 10 to 19, and the election campaign will take place from November 21 to December 5.

At the end of March, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo proposed to the Venezuelan leadership to create an interim government in the country to resolve the crisis with the subsequent lifting of sanctions. Caracas opposed such an initiative from Washington. Russian Ambassador to Venezuela Sergei Melik-Bagdasarov noted that Moscow does not welcome ultimatums and instruments of political pressure.

An economic and political crisis has been going on in Venezuela for several years. In January 2019, opposition leader Juan Guaido proclaimed himself head of state amid protests. It was recognized by the USA, Canada, Brazil and Greece among others. Several other countries, including Russia, China and Mexico, have supported Maduro.

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