The somnologist named the reasons for frequent night awakenings

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Regular waking up at night can be a sign of a variety of medical conditions, as sleep problems are accompanied by snoring, cramps, and muscle discomfort. Somnologist Elena Tsareva told about this.

According to her, in most cases we are talking about diseases associated with the respiratory system. Difficulties with night rest can also appear due to problems with the cardiovascular system and inflammatory diseases.

In addition, people with thyroid diseases face frequent awakenings, Tsareva added. They usually want to sleep during the day and suffer from insomnia in the evening and at night.

“I would also like to note that problems with night sleep can occur in a person due to age. The fact is that the production of melatonin, a hormone that ensures sound sleep, decreases in older people. Because of this, a person begins to sleep very superficially and sensitively react to external stimuli, ”explained the somnologist.

The specialist recommends to see a doctor for those who snore every night or wake up more than three times a week for several months, as this can lead to apnea – respiratory arrest during sleep.

On January 19, Mikhail Poluektov, associate professor of the Department of Nervous Diseases and Neurosurgery at Sechenov University, said that taking sweets four hours before bedtime would help to fall asleep faster.

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