The schoolgirl received compensation for the forced hair dyeing

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In Japan, there are very strict rules regarding not only behavior, but also the appearance and clothing of students, up to the color of their underwear.

For example, pupils and female students are prohibited from permanently curling their hair, dyeing it, lightening it, or braiding hair extensions. But one of the students who graduated from Osaka school, who is now 21 years old, considered unfair the demand of the deputy director of the school to dye her natural brown hair black, since during a regular examination she allegedly found the girl’s “black roots” of hair, and filed for the school administration to court. When she refused to return the “natural color”, she was banned from attending certain classes and school outings, the lawsuit said.

A court in Osaka, recognizing that the school’s administration “acted in accordance with the rules,” nevertheless demanded compensation of 330,000 yen ($ 3,100) to the former student, as “the actions of the school administration caused psychological trauma to the plaintiff.”

Published in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” No. 0 dated November 30 -0001

Newspaper headline:
Japanese austerity