The salary of cosmonauts after the increase will exceed 500 thousand rubles a month

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The salary of cosmonaut candidates after the increase will average about 300 thousand rubles a month, and experienced cosmonauts – more than 500 thousand rubles, said on Thursday, April 15, the first deputy general director of Roscosmos for economics and finance Maxim Ovchinnikov.

“The president [России] announced a significant increase in salaries. This is especially true of cosmonaut candidates: their salary will be raised by 70% – a little less than 300 thousand rubles per month. For those who flew, an increase of 50% – their salary is slightly more than 500 thousand rubles on average, ”TASS quoted him as saying.

He noted that at the moment the salaries of cosmonauts in Russia are almost two times lower than those of their colleagues from the USA or Europe. So, NASA astronauts receive on average about $ 8-9 thousand, and astronauts of the European Space Agency – $ 7-8 thousand.

“The task of increasing the salaries of astronauts is a priority for the corporation. She directly deals with it myself [глава «Роскосмоса»] Dmitry Olegovich Rogozin, the commander of the cosmonaut detachment Oleg Dmitrievich Kononenko and the responsible divisions of the corporation, ”added Ovchinnikov.

In addition, he also said that the corporation is currently working on the issue of providing astronauts with housing subsidies. According to the proposal, cosmonaut candidates during their training will receive service housing in a 144-apartment building in Star City.

On April 12, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed a 50% increase in salaries for those who flew into space, and 70% for those who are still preparing to fly. In addition, the head of state called for a review of the deadlines for completing tasks in the dynamically changing space industry. The President also pointed out the need to analyze projects in the space industry and the implementation of all stages, broken down and financed by year.