The Russians were told which professions will disappear in the near future

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Alexander Safonov, who holds the post of vice-rector of the Financial University under the government of the Russian Federation, revealed which professions are under threat of extinction in the next 10 years.

Thus, according to the expert, autopilot systems are being tested in many countries.

“For example, you can completely automate and leave the metro without human intervention. The same can be expected for diesel locomotives, electric locomotives, trams, trolleybuses, buses, ”the specialist said.

Therefore, in his opinion, in the future, drivers or machinists of these vehicles may not be needed.

“Representatives of these professions already now need to think about what they can do if electronics take their place,” Safonov added.

The vice-rector recalled that earlier the plane’s crew consisted of 5 people. Now, with modern automation, two employees are enough, and soon one person will be able to fly the plane, the expert predicts.

He also noted that the profession of an accountant does not threaten to disappear altogether, it will only undergo changes, writes MK in Volgograd with reference to Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

“He will acquire an increasingly prominent role as an auditor, a tax consultant,” Safonov emphasized.

Computer programs cannot replace an accountant, since “finance is personal,” the specialist concluded.