Partly cloudy weather is expected in Vologda this weekend. There will be light rain on Saturday 8 August and no rain on Sunday. The temperature will be around +20 ° C during the day and around +13 ° C at night. According to forecasters, gusts of north wind will reach 10 m / s.
On the territory of the Vologda Oblast, in places small rains will linger for the whole weekend. Daytime temperatures will range from +19 to +24 ° C, at night – from +9 ° C to +14 ° C.
According to preliminary data, the next working week will start with rains. A slight cold snap is expected.
The material was prepared by the information agency “Our Region”. Media registration certificate IA No. FS 77 – 72052 dated December 29, 2017 issued by Roskomnadzor.