The poll showed a decline in Czechs’ confidence in NATO

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The number of Czech citizens who trust NATO, compared with the previous year, has decreased by 7%. This is evidenced by the survey data of the National Center for the Study of Public Opinion, published on August 31 on the organization’s website.

The North Atlantic Alliance is trusted by 54% of Czechs, while 34% expressed their distrust of the bloc. Such low support for the North Atlantic Alliance in the republic was also recorded nine years ago.

There is also a drop in the credibility of the UN among Czechs, confidence in which was expressed by 55% of respondents against 63% in 2019. 32% of respondents responded negatively to the address of the largest international organization.

Earlier, in February, it became known that the highest indicator of support for NATO was recorded in Poland (82%), Lithuania (77%), the Netherlands (77%), Canada (66%) and Great Britain (65%). More than half of the population supports NATO in Italy (60%), Germany (57%), Czech Republic (54%), USA (52%) and Slovakia (51%). Less than half of the population supports the alliance in France, Spain (49% in both countries), Hungary (48%) and Bulgaria (42%).

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