The Polish Foreign Ministry denies a telephone conversation between Warsaw and Berlin

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The Polish Foreign Ministry denied information about a telephone conversation between Warsaw and Berlin about the situation with blogger Alexei Navalny. The department reported this to TASS journalists on September 7.

This is a conversation during which the falsification of Navalny’s poisoning was discussed. “We refute the Belarusian reports about the alleged telephone conversation on the Warsaw-Berlin line, in which the authorities of the two countries allegedly admitted that Alexei Navalny was not poisoned,” the Foreign Ministry said.

On Friday, September 4, the State Television of Belarus published a recording of a conversation between Germany and Poland on the situation with the alleged “poisoning” of blogger Alexei Navalny.

According to the published talks, at the beginning of the conversation, the representative of Poland asks how things are in Berlin. His interlocutor from the German capital declares that everything is going according to a certain plan and the materials “on Navalny” will soon be handed over to German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

In turn, the interlocutor from Warsaw asked whether it was really confirmed that Navalny was “poisoned”. The representative of the FRG in response declares that the evidence of Navalny’s “poisoning” is not so important, since there is a “war” going on, and all sorts of methods are good on it.

Navalny got sick during the Tomsk-Moscow flight on 20 August. The plane urgently landed in Omsk, and the blogger was taken to the emergency hospital number 1. He was diagnosed with metabolic disorders. Two days later, Navalny was taken to the German clinic “Charite”, where he was “found” intoxication with a substance from the group of cholinesterase inhibitors.

In turn, Omsk doctors expressed their readiness to provide the clinic with samples of the blogger’s biomaterials taken during his treatment. The chief toxicologist of the Omsk region and the Siberian Federal District, Alexander Sabaev, said that cholinesterase inhibitors were not detected in the medical institution during the examination of Navalny.

On September 2, the German government, relying on data from a special laboratory of the Bundeswehr, announced that in the samples of Navalny, who was in a coma, there was “unequivocal evidence” of a nerve agent of the Novichok group. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in turn, argued that Navalny was “deliberately poisoned.” No evidence and facts were attached either to the statement of the FRG authorities or to the statements of its chancellor, as well as all official inquiries from Berlin, including the General Prosecutor’s Office of Russia and doctors, remained unanswered.

The Russian Foreign Ministry called such statements by the FRG leadership another information campaign against Russia, since they are not backed up by facts. The ministry also called on the German side to hand over to Moscow the data on the basis of which conclusions were drawn about Navalny’s “poisoning”.

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