The planet hit by the second wave

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Now plunged into a second wave, Quebec is still the place where the coronavirus is rife in Canada. There have been 104 infections per 100,000 inhabitants for the past two weeks. This is twice as much as in Ontario, which is the second most affected province. Internationally, Canada is doing relatively well with 52 new cases per 100,000 population. This ranks it 57th in the world for countries with more than one million inhabitants, according to data from Europe’s Center for Disease Prevention and Control. If we compare Quebec with other countries, it would be in 32nd place. Other countries are therefore currently experiencing much worse situations, such as Israel and France.

Situation of the epidemic in Canada:

Total cases: 160,535

Total deaths | Case for 2 weeks: 9319 | 19,668

Cases / 100,000 inhabitants: 52

Total cases: 75 221

Total deaths | Case for 2 weeks: 5850 | 8865

Cases / 100,000 inhabitants: 104

Total cases: 52,248

Total deaths | Case for 2 weeks: 2851 | 6572

Cases / 100,000 inhabitants: 45

Total cases: 18 235

Total deaths | Case for 2 weeks: 269 ​​| 1961

Cases / 100,000 inhabitants: 45

Total cases: 2029

Total deaths | Case for 2 weeks: 20 | 529

Cases / 100,000 inhabitants: 39

  • British Columbia

Total cases: 9220

Total deaths | Case for 2 weeks: 235 | 1557

Cases / 100,000 inhabitants: 31

Total cases: 1927

Total deaths | Case for 2 weeks: 24 | 1701

Cases / 100,000 inhabitants: 14

  • Prince Edward Island

Total cases: 59

Total deaths | Case for 2 weeks: 0 | 2

Cases / 100,000 inhabitants: 1.3

Total cases: 200

Total deaths | Case for 2 weeks: 2 | 6

Cases / 100,000 inhabitants: 0.8

  • Newfoundland and Labrador

Total cases: 275

Total deaths | Case for 2 weeks: 3 | 4

Cases / 100,000 inhabitants: 0.8

Total cases: 1088

Total deaths | Case for 2 weeks: 65 | 2

Cases / 100,000 inhabitants: 0.2

Situation of the epidemic in the world:

1. Israel

Total cases: 255,771

Total deaths | Case for 2 weeks: 1622 | 78 838

Cases / 100,000 inhabitants: 925

2. Bahrain

Total cases: 71,374

Total deaths | Case for 2 weeks: 254 | 8890

Cases / 100,000 inhabitants: 542

3. Argentina

Total cases: 764,989

Total deaths | Case for 2 weeks: 20 288 | 175 990

Cases / 100,000 inhabitants: 393

4. Costa Rica

Total cases: 76,828

Total deaths | Case for 2 weeks: 917 | 16,010

Cases / 100,000 inhabitants: 317

5. Czech Republic

Total cases: 74,255

Total deaths | Case for 2 weeks: 678 | 30,100

Cases / 100,000 inhabitants: 283

6. France

Total cases: 577,505

Total deaths | Case for 2 weeks: 32,019 | 162,024

Cases / 100,000 inhabitants: 242

7. Moldova

Total cases: 54,064

Total deaths | Case for 2 weeks: 1336 | 9081

Cases / 100,000 inhabitants: 225

8. Panama

Total cases: 113,342

Total deaths | Case for 2 weeks: 2387 | 9204

Cases / 100,000 inhabitants: 217

9. Peru

Total cases: 818,297

Total deaths | Case for 2 weeks: 32,535 | 68,199

Cases / 100,000 inhabitants: 210

10. Netherlands

Total cases: 123 966

Total deaths | Case for 2 weeks: 6410 | 35,979

Cases / 100,000 inhabitants: 208

11. Lebanon

Total cases: 40 882

Total deaths | Case for 2 weeks: 374 | 14 114

Cases / 100,000 inhabitants: 205.9

12. Kuwait

Total cases: 105,676

Total deaths | Case for 2 weeks: 612 | 7852

Cases / 100,000 inhabitants: 186.6

The worst rates per capita

  • Israel is the hottest spot on the planet, with the worst rate of new cases per 100,000 inhabitants. In mid-September, a new, very strict general lockdown was imposed across the country at least until October 11.
  • Bahrain is the second hot spot in terms of new cases. The country has seen its number of cases increase rapidly after a religious festival was held in late August, where it was difficult to comply with distancing measures.
  • In Argentina, there has been a steady increase in the number of cases since the start of the pandemic. This pace still does not seem to decrease.
  • The France last week imposed more stringent measures to limit the spread of the virus, including the closure of bars and restaurants in the Marseille region.

The greatest number of new cases

  • TheIndia is the country with by far the highest number of new cases in the past two weeks. More than 1.1 million infections have been reported, bringing the total number of cases to 6.3 million.
  • The United States, in the midst of the presidential election campaign, followed with more than 603,000 new infections in the past two weeks, bringing the total to 7.2 million cases.
  • The Brazil ranks 3rd with almost 400,000 new cases recorded in the past two weeks, pushing the total number of infections to 4.8 million.

Methodology :

To determine where the hotspots of the pandemic are, we ranked the number of cases reported in the last two weeks per 100,000 population for countries with more than one million inhabitants, as well as for each Canadian province.

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