The number of children with coronavirus is growing in the Saratov region

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In the region over the past day, the operational headquarters has confirmed 193 new, laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19. A month ago, on October 1, 2020, the coronavirus was first detected in 127 citizens, the total number of cases at that time amounted to 15 thousand 486 people (as of today – 20 thousand 706). A month ago, the number of deaths from covid was 105 people, today it is 156.

The largest number of cases, as before, in the city of Saratov – 136 people and Balakovo district – 18. But the age composition of those who caught COVID-19 has slightly changed. 21 children under the age of 14, six adolescents from 15 to 17 years old, as well as two young people aged from 18 to 19 years old fell ill.

Another 16 cases fell on citizens from 20 to 29 years old, 24 cases – 30-39 years old, 26 cases – 40-49 years old, 34 – 50-59 years old. Among the residents of the area of ​​age “60+” 64 have caught the virus.

In total, 619681 laboratory tests were carried out in the Saratov region, of which 4 thousand 971 were carried out in the last day.

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