The Ministry of Natural Resources announced the absence of oil in water samples taken in Kamchatka

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There is no excess in oil content in water samples taken in Kamchatka. This was announced on Monday, October 5, by the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia Dmitry Kobylkin.

“Everyone talks about oil, oil products, spills, but by and large, all the analyzes that we took with Rosprirodnadzor, they tell us that there is no excess in oil either in water or on land,” he told reporters.

At the same time, the head of the department noted that small excess of the content of iron and phosphates were found in the samples, but this was also recorded earlier.

Earlier that day, Kamchatka authorities named three probable causes of coastal water pollution, including man-made pollution due to human activities, natural impacts and the consequences of seismic activity.

In addition, the chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin, instructed to transfer to the central office of the Investigative Committee materials of the check on the mass death of marine animals in Kamchatka.

At the end of September, eyewitnesses reported a change in the color of the water on Khalaktyrsky beach and thousands of sea animals that washed ashore, including in the bays Malaya and Bolshaya Lagernye and Avachinskaya.

Experts found in the coastal zone an excess of phenol and oil products by 2 and 3.6 times, respectively. Samples were sent for analysis to Moscow and Vladivostok.

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