The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation spoke about the reasons for the cancellation of Russian citizenship

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The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) of Russia spoke about in what cases Russian citizenship can be revoked. So, foreign citizens may lose a Russian passport if, at the stage of obtaining it, the applicant submitted false information about himself or the purpose of obtaining citizenship was the implementation of activities that did not comply with the canons of the country’s Constitution, as reported on Tuesday, May 4, the press service reported. departments.

The immediate fact of using inaccurate documents or a message about the incorrectness of the information provided is established in court, and in such cases, Russian citizenship loses its valid status.

“The decision to acquire Russian citizenship is subject to cancellation if it is established that this decision was made on the basis of forged documents submitted by the applicant or knowingly false information, and also if the applicant did not intend to bear the obligations established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for citizens of the Russian Federation, and the purpose of the acquisition Russian citizenship was the implementation of activities that pose a threat to the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, ”the press service of the department said in response to a TASS request.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, from 2020 until now, almost 280 people have been deprived of Russian citizenship, while more than 656 thousand people have received a Russian passport.

The day before, on May 3, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation announced that the issuance of electronic passports in Russia would begin no later than July 1, 2023. The corresponding electronic document is a special plastic card with an electronic information carrier.

The issuance of electronic passports for residents of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 14 will be carried out on the basis of their consent. The department also added that the initial stage of issuing an electronic document involves at least 100 thousand new passports.