The Ministry of Defense launched a section on the website in honor of the 90th anniversary of the Airborne Forces

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The Russian Ministry of Defense has launched a special interactive section on its website dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the formation of the Airborne Forces (Airborne Forces).

It is noted that it presents a detailed history of the formation of a branch of the armed forces, commanders, educational institutions and festive events.

The historical summary presents the documents of the Central Archive of the Ministry, including the regulations on the main directorate of the Red Army Airborne Forces of August 1941, as amended by Joseph Stalin. The document defined the tasks and structure of the new department.

Among the archival documents are copies of pages from the journal of the military operations of the Airborne Forces during the war years, as well as information about the awards. You can get acquainted with unique documents in Russian, English, French and Spanish.

Earlier, a special multimedia section dedicated to the Main Naval Parade, which took place on July 26, appeared on the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The birthday of the Soviet Airborne Forces is traditionally celebrated on August 2. This year, the capital’s parks will not host events on Airborne Forces Day due to the coronavirus pandemic.

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