The mayor of Dnipro was doused with brilliant green at a meeting with the townspeople

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The activist attacked the mayor of the Ukrainian Dnieper, Boris Filatov, and doused him with brilliant green. The incident took place on Saturday, September 5, during a meeting of an official with residents of one of the apartment buildings in the left-bank district of the city, the newspaper “” writes.

The attacker was detained by the townspeople present at the event. Filatov himself also spoke about the incident on Facebook.

“One old friend of mine once said a good phrase:“ Borya, you are a real lucky guy, because scum and idiots are fighting with you, who, in principle, cannot do anything to you, because they are scum. And idiots. ” My friends, they are in agony. They came up with everything they could: fabricated criminal cases, filth in the media, bribery of deputies, lies, paid rallies, “activists” and “social activists”. (…) The only thing they are able to do is throw green stuff :))), ”he wrote.

The mayor also attached photographs to the post, in which he was captured with green paint. At the same time, a video also appeared on the Web, which captures the very moment of the attack on Filatov. The commercial on September 6 is published by REN TV.

In early August, Filatov criticized the fight against corruption in Ukraine and called his compatriots a “nation of thieves.”

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