The leaders of the Association of Smolensk builders congratulated the workers of the industry

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On August 9, Russia celebrates the Day of Builders. This professional holiday falls on the second Sunday in August. For the first time, the Builder’s Day was celebrated on August 12, 1956. For the Smolensk region this is a special holiday, because the slogan of the legendary head of the region Ivan Klimenko “You live in the Smolensk region – be a builder” is still relevant today. On August 9, workers and veterans of the industry, everyone involved in the profession, were congratulated by the leaders of the largest self-regulatory organization in the subject, the Association of Smolensk Builders. Chairman of the Management Board Veniamin Potapov and General Director Igor Tabachenkov addressed the residents of Smolensk: “Dear workers and veterans of the construction industry! On behalf of the Association of SRO “Association of Smolensk Builders”, please accept my warmest and sincere congratulations on your professional holiday!

Thanks to your daily work, new residential quarters, modern kindergartens, hospitals, clinics, shops are being built in cities and districts of our region, streets and highways are acquiring a new look.

Despite the risks associated with the danger of the spread of a new coronavirus infection, construction organizations in our region, taking all the necessary safety measures, continued to function, introducing modern materials, methods and technologies, improving the quality of work performed.

We express our sincere gratitude to all veterans and industry workers for their creative work and high professionalism! Good health, success and prosperity to you, your work collectives and families! “

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