The lawyer spoke about the necessary actions in case of an accident

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Anatoly Mironov, head of the branch of the Moscow Bar Association “Zashchita”, named the primary actions to be taken by a participant in a road traffic accident, reports the “Prime” agency.

“If you became a participant in an accident and realized this, for example, you felt a blow to the car, you cannot continue driving, you need to stop the car, and after stopping, fix it securely,” he said.

The lawyer stressed that it is necessary to put the car on the parking brake, turn on the hazard warning lights, and also put up an emergency stop sign. In addition, it was recommended to move the car to the side of the road, fixing the position of the cars involved in the accident in relation to each other and to the road infrastructure.

“It is this logic that dictates the announcements that we see on the Moscow Ring Road:“ In the event of an accident, pull over to the side. ”This is not about leaving the scene of the accident – this should not be done in any case, but you can move the car as indicated above, and sometimes it is necessary, “Mironov explained.