The husband of the singer Legkostupova who fell into a coma was taken to the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

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The husband of the singer of the song “Yagoda-Raspberry” Valentina Legkostupova Yuri Firsov was taken to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to establish the circumstances under which the artist received a head injury, due to which she fell into a coma. This was announced on Tuesday, August 11, at the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow.

“On the fact of the telephone message received from the medical institution about the delivery of a woman born in 1965 to them, a check is being carried out. In order to establish all the circumstances in which the victim was injured, her husband was brought to the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, ”the agency’s message was quoted by the city news agency“ Moscow ”.

Checking in progress. Based on its results, a procedural decision will be made.

Earlier on the same day, Legkostupova was hospitalized in Moscow with a head injury. She was diagnosed with cerebral edema. The artist is in a coma, doctors assess her condition as serious, the TV channel “360” reports.

The singer was found in the apartment by her daughter. There were bruises on the woman’s body, her husband Yuri Firsov was next to the artist.

The daughter of Legkostupova called doctors, and both were taken to a drug treatment clinic. Subsequently, Firsov fled, and the performer’s condition worsened. In this regard, she was urgently transferred to another hospital in the neurological department, where she was operated on.

Valentina Legkostupova is a Soviet and Russian pop singer, Honored Artist of Russia, performer of the hit “Yagoda-Malina”.

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