The head of the Catholics of Belarus returned to Poland after being refused entry to the republic

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The head of the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) in Belarus, Metropolitan of Minsk-Mogilev Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz returned to Poland after he was not allowed into the country by Belarusian border guards after a business trip abroad. This was announced on Monday, August 31, by the press secretary of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of the Republic, Priest Yuriy Sanko.

“The reasons for the denial of entry have not been clarified, he returned to Poland with the assistance of the Polish side,” RIA Novosti quotes him.

Warsaw, he said, provided Kondrusiewicz with a car, in which he returned to the country. At the same time, the car belonging to the diocese returned to Belarus. As soon as the metropolitan reaches his place of stay in Poland, he will address the Belarusian flock, Sanko stressed. At the moment, representatives of the Roman Catholic Church in Belarus are investigating the reason for the ban on Kondrusiewicz’s entry.

The fact that the head of the Catholics in Belarus was not allowed into the country from a foreign trip without explaining the reasons was reported earlier on the same day on the official website of the RCC in the republic. At the same time, Kondrusevich is a citizen of Belarus.

At the same time, Sanko noted that the republic’s state border committee refused to comment on the incident, writes

On the eve, the head of the RCC said that Belarus is experiencing an unprecedented socio-political crisis, which is deepening every day. He considers the situation that has arisen to be “an inevitable consequence of the sin of iniquity.”

On August 15, Kondrusevich called on the authorities of the republic to start a constructive dialogue with society amid ongoing protests. According to him, Belarus needs peace and national harmony, so it is necessary to immediately stop the violence and release all citizens detained at peaceful protests. He noted that overcoming the crisis is impossible without repentance and spiritual cleansing.

In Belarus, since August 9, protests have not stopped because of the results of the elections for the republic’s resident, in which Alexander Lukashenko won an almost absolute victory. He got over 80% of the votes. Citizens who disagreed with this result began to take to the streets. They faced opposition from the security forces, there were injuries from both sides, several civilians were killed. Later, the rallies began to be peaceful.

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