The head of Kamchatka has promised to dismiss for hushing up ocean pollution

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Governor of the Kamchatka Territory Vladimir Solodov threatened to fire officials involved in hushing up the situation with ocean pollution in the Avacha Bay area. He stated this in a video posted on October 4 on Instagram.

Earlier on Sunday, the official took part in a raid along the coast, as promised the day before.

“I can say right away that if in the course of work it turns out that some of the officials of the Kamchatka Territory embellished the facts or hush them up, they will be dismissed immediately. With regard to federal structures, I will file a petition for similar measures of responsibility “, – said the governor.

The inspection of the territory was also attended by Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Irina Yarovaya, who was just on a working visit to the Kamchatka Territory. As a result of the raid, she expressed confidence that the local regulatory authorities did not take appropriate measures after reports of coastal pollution.

On October 3, the department of the Investigative Committee for the Kamchatka Territory began checking after the mass death of sea animals on the beaches of Avacha Bay.

Samples of water, air and sand were taken. They are being examined in the laboratory, the first results will be announced on October 5.

Local surfers were the first to sound the alarm. They complained that after contact with water, their eyes were damaged and their skin was irritated. The samples revealed an excess of the content of oil products by four times, phenol by two.

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