The guest staged a shooting at a wedding in St. Petersburg

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An eyewitness reported a shooting from a car of a wedding convoy, consisting of ten cars, in St. Petersburg. This information on Saturday, April 10, reports the press service of the regional headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It is noted that the incident occurred the day before. After the received signal about the shooting, the guards quickly established the direction of the wedding procession. Later, law enforcement officers stopped several cars from the motorcade for inspection, one of which was the alleged shooter.

According to police, it turned out to be a 34-year-old native of Transcaucasia. It has been established that a man heading a construction company fired into the air while in one of the vehicles in the cortege.

The suspect did not deny that he fired into the air with his traumatic pistol. Law enforcement officers seized the weapon, and its owner was detained and taken to the police department.

On the fact of the incident, a criminal case was initiated under Part 2 of Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Hooliganism with the use of weapons.”

On the eve of the police detained two men in Omsk, who are suspected of involvement in a series of crimes. The attackers threatened the businessman and committed fraudulent actions with his account, and also stole a batch of tobacco products and started shooting.