The forecaster called April in Moscow warmer and wetter

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The average temperature of the current April in the capital is higher than usual, while the rainfall was twice as much, the chief specialist of the Hydrometeorological Center Marina Makarova said on April 29.

According to her, today the average temperature in April is 7.5 degrees Celsius.

It is usually colder this month. For example, in April last year the average temperature was +4.8 degrees.

At the same time, the norm for precipitation was exceeded by more than two times.

“The previous norm for precipitation in 1991-2020 was 37 mm, and in Moscow it has already dropped 86 mm,” RIA Novosti quotes her.

The wettest April in the last 60 years were in 1970 (92 mm) and 1986 (98 mm), the forecaster said.

On April 27, the Moscow meteorological office reported that a quarter of the monthly precipitation rate fell in the capital during this day. The daily increase in precipitation in the city was about 10 mm with a monthly rate of 44 mm.