The Federation Council assessed the prospects for the return of the United States to the JCPOA

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The United States has moved to revert to the Iran nuclear deal by withdrawing its demand for a renewal of sanctions. This was announced on February 19 by the head of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs Konstantin Kosachev.

The senator noted that the ice has broken in the situation with the deal, but it is not yet clear how everything will unfold in the future and whether Iran will be ready to make reciprocal steps.

“Yes, this is a fairly clear step towards the return of the United States to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). The previous administration left it, violating not only its obligations under the Plan itself, but also UN Security Council Resolution 2231. Therefore, the confirmation of adherence to the resolution can only be welcomed, “Kosachev commented to Interfax.

Earlier in the day, Reuters reported that the United States had notified the UN that it was withdrawing a petition from the administration of former President Donald Trump to renew sanctions against Iran.

It is noted that the letter with this information was sent to the UN Security Council by the acting US ambassador to the organization, Richard Mills. In addition, a senior US official told the agency that the United States is considering a “diplomatic path” to restore the nuclear deal with Iran and will be ready to negotiate if the European Union sends them an invitation.

In 2018, Washington withdrew from the JCPOA with Tehran, after which it began a campaign to exert maximum pressure on Iran, in fact, aimed at its economic strangulation. The JCPOA was signed with Iran by the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany in 2015 in order to overcome the crisis over Tehran’s nuclear development.