The Federation Council assessed the Czech Republic’s claim for compensation for the explosion in Vrbetica

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Russia will not agree to any compensation to the Czech Republic, since it is not guilty of the explosions at the ammunition depots in Vrbetica. This opinion was expressed on April 22 by the first deputy committee of the Federation Council for international politics Vladimir Dzhabarov.

“Russia has not done this, Russia’s guilt has not been proven, nothing has been confirmed. It’s just ridiculous to demand compensation for this, “RIA Novosti quotes Dzhabarov.

Dzhabarov believes that Prague has gone down the wrong path, continuing to escalate relations with Moscow. He suggested that this could lead to a complete breakdown of the relationship, which is not necessary.

Rane on that day, Czech Foreign Minister Jakub Kulganek said that the Czech Republic could demand from Russia an apology or financial compensation for the destruction caused by the explosions in Vrbetica. Kulganek noted that when one state harms another, then there may be different options for compensation for losses: an apology, restoration to its original state or compensation for damage.

A day earlier, Aleksey Chepa, deputy chairman of the State Duma’s international affairs committee, said in a conversation with Izvestia that the calls of Czech deputies to recover compensation from Russia for the damage caused by the explosions at the ammunition depot in 2014 is a continuation of the political bacchanalia.

The deputy pointed out that there is no evidence of Russia’s involvement in the explosions seven years ago, so talking about paying compensation is simply ridiculous, while stressing that countries need to conduct a dialogue to relieve tension.

Also on Wednesday, it became known that the deputies of the Czech parliament called on the government to limit the number of employees of the Russian embassy in Prague and to recover compensation from Moscow for damage caused by the explosion.

The incident in Vrbetica took place in 2014. Prague claims that evidence of the alleged involvement of the Russian special services in the explosion is clear. At the same time, the Czech Republic cannot declassify data about the incident.

Maria Zakharova, an official to the Russian Foreign Ministry, called the fact that Prague does not publish a report on the explosion, “evidence of lies and fakes.”