The expert predicted the timing of the end of the coronavirus epidemic in Russia

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In Russia, the coronavirus epidemic will end in 2022. However, this may happen earlier, when a serious vaccine is available. This opinion was expressed on Tuesday, October 27, by an expert in the field of health and epidemiology, former head of the Center for Viral Hepatitis of the USSR, President of DiaPrep System Inc Mikhail Favorov.

As the specialist explained, by a serious vaccine he means a drug that has completely passed the third phase of research and has high possibilities for mass production, according to TASS.

The main criterion for success in defeating COVID-19, he said, is the availability of beds for seriously ill patients and the provision of professional medical care to them. At the same time, Favorov is sure that the restrictive measures on coronavirus only work if cities are completely closed.

“If you have enough beds, because you closed the city and stopped transmitting the virus from person to person, everyone is sitting at home, then the beds have“ sighed ”, cured some and can accept others. Thus, the main only criterion for achieving success is the availability of professional assistance to the difficult, ”he concluded.

Earlier on the same day, Natalya Pshenichnaya, Deputy Director for Clinical and Analytical Work of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, predicted that an aggravation of the situation with coronavirus in Russia could occur in February-March.

Also on Tuesday, virologists told Izvestia that the situation with coronavirus in Russia is ambiguous, so even a third wave of morbidity is possible in the regions.

According to the portal stopkoronavirus.rf, 1,531,224 cases of coronavirus were registered in Russia as of Tuesday morning, 26,269 people died, and 1,146,096 patients recovered.

All relevant information on the situation with the coronavirus is available on the websites of stopcoronavirus.rf and accessvsem.rf, as well as by the hashtag #WeV Together. Coronavirus hotline: 8 (800) 2000-112.

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