The expert outlined the deadline for the completion of the construction of the “Nord Stream – 2”

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Construction and commissioning of Nord Stream 2 can be completed within a few months. This was announced on Tuesday, April 27, by the deputy head of the National Energy Security Fund Alexei Grivach.

“I think that construction and commissioning will be completed within a few months. It is difficult to say more precisely now, since the laying speed depends on many factors, including those that cannot be controlled, ”the RIA Novosti expert quotes.

There are very good chances that the Europeans will start receiving gas through the new gas pipeline this coming winter, Grivach said.

According to the expert, joining the construction of the Akademik Chersky vessel shows that the US sanctions could not prevent its retrofitting and certification.

Earlier that day, the Akademik Chersky pipe-laying vessel began laying the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. The work will be carried out in the exclusive economic zone of Denmark. The barge “Fortuna” also continues laying the pipe.

On March 4, it became known that Akademik Chersky would take part in the construction of the pipeline. At the same time, Nord Stream 2 AG sent the necessary notification to the Danish Maritime Administration (DMA). It was noted that all work will be carried out in accordance with the permits received.

The construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline will be carried out in the territorial waters of Denmark until the end of September 2021.

Nord Stream 2 is being built from Russia to Germany along the bottom of the Baltic Sea with the aim of direct and reliable gas supplies to Europe. It involves the construction of two lines of the gas pipeline with a total capacity of 55 billion cubic meters. m per year. The EU countries mainly support the project and participate in its implementation. Poland, the Baltic States, Ukraine and the United States are opposed.

In December 2019, the United States imposed sanctions on the gas pipeline, as a result of which the Swiss Allseas was forced to stop laying. In Berlin, they support the completion of the project and reject Washington’s unilateral extraterritorial sanctions.