The expert named a way to return money in case of theft from the card

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Alexey Krichevsky, an expert at the Academy of Finance and Investment Management, told how to act when stealing money from a bank card or account.

First of all, you need to contact the bank and report the operation that the client did not carry out, said Krichevsky. You should also block the card and reissue it.

“Next, you need to draw up an application for a refund, which, in most cases, is considered within 30 days. Together with blocking the card, it is necessary to write a statement to the police about fraudulent actions, “he told the Prime agency on Tuesday, October 27th.

In the event that the client reported the theft no more than a day after the incident, and also did not violate the safety rules for storing the card, i.e. did not share the PIN and CVC codes with anyone, and did not store them with the card, the bank will be obliged to return the money.

Krichevsky also stressed that banks are required to inform customers about all account transactions via SMS or push notifications.

“The bank’s refusal to return funds must be requested in writing with justification. If the bank does not comply with this or the justification is inconclusive, these documents will be enough to go to court. As a rule, courts in such cases take the side of the plaintiff, that is, the client, ”the expert said.

On October 21, it was reported that in Russia the number of crimes related to bank cards has increased by 500% since the beginning of the year. In total, from January to September this year, more than 363 thousand IT-crimes occurred.

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