The expert named a way to protect against a new fraud scheme with disconnecting the Russian Federation from SWIFT

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In case of suspicious calls, it is better to hang up and call the bank yourself. This was stated on May 1 by an expert in the field of information security, Alexander Vlasov, commenting on reports that fraudsters began to use a new scheme, mentioning the SWIFT system.

Vlasov noted that there are special centers where they come up with scenarios for deceiving bank customers, while such scripts live for no more than six months.

“There will always be 20% (according to some estimates) of people who are very suggestible, either in person or on the phone. They lend themselves to any “wiring” you can think of. The scammers have not gone anywhere, they will come up with more and more new reasons to seize money … There is only one advice: when you hear some offer from the bank, from the police, from the social service – hang up and call there yourself , then you definitely will not fall for the bait of scammers, “RT quoted Vlasov as saying.

Earlier that day, Izvestia was told at Sberbank that the fraud under the pretext of disconnecting Russia from SWIFT is a type of social engineering scheme.

Prior to this, on Friday, Izvestia reported that fraudsters began to call clients of Russian banks and ask them to name all card details, including CVC, as well as the SMS code so that their Visa or MasterCard card would not be blocked in case of an alleged disconnection RF from SWIFT.

The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) is an international interbank system for data transmission and payments, to which more than 11 thousand of the largest organizations are connected in almost all countries of the world.

On April 29, it became known that the European Parliament (EP) adopted a resolution calling for sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project, as well as disconnecting Russia from SWIFT in the event of an aggravation of the situation in Ukraine. The document noted that the EU “must understand that the cost of such a violation of international rights and norms will be serious.”

State Duma Deputy Ruslan Balbek, in turn, said that this document is not a resolution, but a report on the work done to the American senior. He stressed that it is no secret to anyone that the European Parliament is “subject to the mania of Russophobia.”

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov noted on April 28 that the country has a base for creating its own analogue of SWIFT. According to Lavrov, there should be a guarantee against damage that, in theory, could be additionally caused by third parties.