The euro exchange rate can break through 100 rubles by the end of the year

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In the outlook for September, we should expect a further decline in the ruble’s position against the leading currencies: it will trade in the range of 76–78 against the dollar, and in the range of 90–91 against the euro, believes Artem Deev, head of the analytical department at AMarkets.

The ruble can easily overcome historical anti-records – 83 against the dollar and 100 against the euro, analysts say. It cannot be ruled out that currencies will break through this bar by the end of the year, believes Alexei Krichevsky, an expert at the Academy of Finance and Investment Management. Ivan Kapustyansky, an expert on personal investments, agreed with him. Moreover, both experts are confident that the ruble is more likely to quickly approach the anti-record than smoothly pick up the historical values.

Technically, after breaking through the level of 90 rubles, the European currency will no longer hold back from free growth in relation to the Russian one, added Aleksey Krichevsky. The story is about the same with the dollar. However, in the same way, the Russian currency may roll back sharply: in case of positive news from Germany and Belarus, added Alexey Krichevsky.

At the opening of trading on the Moscow Exchange on August 26, the dollar exchange rate with settlements on the day of the transaction was 75.4 rubles. Euro – 89.4. The ruble closed the day at zero – practically at the same levels – 75.6 and 89.3.

Over the last decade of August, the value of the Russian currency has been steadily declining. On the 20th, trading in the dollar closed at 73.8 and the euro at 87.5. Since that moment, the ruble has lost several percent: 3% paired with the American currency, 2% – with the European one.

Read more in the exclusive material of Izvestia:

Currency cold: what to do for Russians amid a sharp weakening of the ruble

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