The driver of a foreign car hit a two-year-old child in Sochi

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In Sochi, a foreign car hit a two-year-old child, according to the traffic safety propaganda department of the OGIBDD Department of Internal Affairs in Sochi. The accident was recorded on April 23 on Tsvetnoy Boulevard of the resort city. A Volkswagen Polo car driven by a 26-year-old driver ran into a two-year-old child. It is known that the victim ran across the road in an unidentified place. He received a minor injury.

Sochi traffic police urge parents to monitor their children while walking. And drivers need to remember that in the yards you need to be especially careful and drive at the minimum speed. The vehicle speed in the yard should not exceed 20 km / h. Pedestrians will be the priority in this section, the driver must let them pass.

Recall that in Krasnodar, a 9-year-old schoolgirl was bitten by a dog. The incident took place near the entrance to the primary school building on the territory of the educational institution No. 71.

On April 21, in the Crimean region of the Kuban, there was a mass accident with a fatal outcome of one of the participants. The 46-year-old driver has died.