The doctor urged to do a coronavirus test sooner for symptoms of ARVI

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A coronavirus test must be done as soon as possible when symptoms of SARS appear, and then you need to self-isolate until its results appear. The head of the therapeutic department of the Israeli hospital Shamir Asaf A Rofe, infectious disease doctor Galina Goltsman told RIA Novosti about this.

“If I receive calls from patients with ARVI symptoms, coughs, high fever, loss of smell, I tell them: prescribe a coronavirus test as soon as possible, self-isolate and get tested – at home or drive your personal car to a special checkpoint. Until the moment, until the answer is received, it is necessary to remain in isolation, ”the specialist recommended.

She added that those who suffer from breathing problems and other signs of pneumonia should go to the hospital right away. For other patients, the next course of action depends on the test results and the severity of the symptoms.

“When the test result comes, if it is negative, and you have not had contact with patients or any other risk of infection, treat your cold, and you are free. If a positive response is received, then it all depends on the severity of the symptoms. In case of mild symptoms, treat the virus like a normal flu – rest, warm drink, antipyretic if necessary, preferably based on paracetamol, ”the infectious disease specialist said.

Earlier, the head of the Department of Microbiology of Latent Infections of the Gamaleya Institute, Viktor Zuev, said that the main mistake of Russians who fell ill with COVID-19 is their unwillingness to go to doctors. According to him, Russians often self-medicate, although it is necessary to call a doctor at home.

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