The doctor spoke about examples of a severe form of COVID-19 in young people without pathologies

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Chief Physician of the Ambulance Station named after A.S. Puchkov of the Moscow Department of Health, Nikolai Plavunov, said that many young patients who underwent severe COVID-19 did not have any concomitant pathologies.

“Nobody knows how a person will get sick. Because there are risk factors, there is a concept of comorbidity for a given infection, there is a concept of age as an aggravating factor in the development of clinical manifestations, “Plavunov said in an interview with RIA Novosti on April 28.

However, according to him, in medical practice there are many examples of young people without pathologies after undergoing coronavirus.

The doctor advised not to conduct experiments on yourself in relation to checking your health and the body’s resistance to coronavirus infection.

Earlier in the day, Plavunov named the symptoms that require an immediate call to doctors at home. According to him, these are pronounced pains in the abdomen and chest, sudden onset of sweating and dizziness.

All relevant information on the situation with coronavirus infection is available on the websites of stopcoronavirus.rf and access vsem.rf, as well as by the hashtag #WeVotre. Coronavirus hotline: 8-800-2000-112.