Most of the developed doses of the EpiVacCorona vaccine may enter civilian circulation in December. This was stated by Rinat Maksyutov, Director General of the Vector Center for Virology and Biotechnology, on Sunday, November 29, speaking at the Science Bar Hopping online festival.
According to him, 35 thousand doses of the vaccine have already been produced, TASS notes. By the end of the year, a total of 50 thousand doses of the vaccine will be produced, of which about 5 thousand doses will go for research. The rest will be introduced into civilian circulation.
“In December, we expect the introduction of most of them into civil circulation,” he said. The first series of vaccine preparations, which will enter the civil circulation, will be tested at the institutions of the Ministry of Health no earlier than December 7-8.
Earlier on Sunday, Maksyutov predicted the end of the coronavirus pandemic in 2021. It will end when sufficient herd immunity is formed. To do this, you need to vaccinate about half of the population.
Sputnik V, the first vaccine against coronavirus in Russia and the world, was registered on August 11. It was developed by the specialists of the Center. N.F. Gamalei. After that, the Ministry of Health announced the launch of the drug into production and issued a permit to conduct a post-registration study.
Also on October 14, Russia registered the second vaccine – “EpiVacCorona” from the state scientific center “Vector”.
The third vaccine produced by the Chumakov Federal Research and Development Center for Immunobiological Preparations may be registered in December.