The date of the appearance of the harvest of spring mushrooms in the Moscow region has been announced

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Maxim Dyakov, leading engineer of the Department of Mycology and Algology, Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, in an interview with Radio 1 on Monday, April 26, named the timing of the appearance of the spring mushroom harvest in the Moscow region.

According to the specialist, mushroom pickers will be able to go on a quiet hunt in the Moscow Region in early May. So, already now in the south of the region it is possible to collect stitches and morels. Meanwhile, Dyakov advised to refrain from collecting stitches for the time being, since they contain gyromitrin, which in some quantities remains even when soaked and properly cooked. Therefore, for now, you should limit yourself to collecting morels and morels.

Morels can be found where there are lighter soils, such as sand rather than clay and loam. You can also look for them in places where trouble has occurred with the trees: felling, burnt-out, areas where a change of rocks is taking place, writes NSN.

The specialist noted that such edible species of spring mushrooms as sulfur-yellow tinder fungus are also found in the region, but this is considered exotic.

On the same day, the Chairman of the Council of the Interregional Public Organization “Moscow Union of Gardeners” and the author of books on gardening, Andrei Tumanov, in an interview with the site, said that you can independently breed four types of mushrooms: oyster oyster mushrooms, champignons, shiitake and ringlets.

The specialist emphasized that it is almost impossible to grow mushrooms in an apartment. It is realistic to do this only in the country in the open ground, in a cellar or basement, because the technological process of growing is quite complicated, and in an apartment it will be difficult to recreate the conditions necessary for them – humidity, lighting and a certain temperature. In addition, mushrooms have a specific smell. Unpleasant midges may develop.

On April 22, it was reported that the first spring mushrooms appeared in Moscow parks.