The daily increase in COVID-19 cases in Turkey amounted to 24.3 thousand.

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In Turkey, over the past day, a little more than 24 thousand cases of coronavirus infection were detected. This was announced on Monday, May 3, at the country’s health ministry.

It is clarified that the daily growth is falling, this indicator has become a monthly minimum.

“Today, 24,347 new cases of COVID-19 have been identified, since the beginning of the pandemic – 4,900,121. 347 people have died, since the beginning of the pandemic – 41,191. 3438 patients are in serious condition,” the agency’s website says.

On April 30, the Turkish Ministry of Health approved the use of the Russian Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine in the country. The head of the department, Fahrettin Koca, expressed the hope that the decision will have a positive impact on both countries.

In the last days of April, the daily increase in COVID-19 cases in Turkey reaches 40-50 thousand. Against this background, a lockdown was announced in the country from April 29 to May 17. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that all offices and hotels will be closed, only emergency services and production will work, where the process cannot be stopped.

Due to the worsening epidemiological situation in Turkey, Russia suspended flights with this country from April 15 to June 1. To date, tour operators have already completed the export of Russian organized tourists from Turkey. Along with this, there are still independent tourists. During May, Russian and Turkish airlines plan to perform 111 export flights, which will carry about 21.5 thousand passengers.