The court evicted relatives of ex-colonel Zakharchenko from a three-room apartment

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The Nikulinsky court of Moscow ruled to evict the parents and sister of the former Interior Ministry colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko from a three-room apartment on Michurinsky Avenue, who is serving a long term for corruption crimes. The Federal Property Management Agency (Rosimushchestvo) filed a lawsuit to recover the apartment into state ownership.

The lawyer of the Zakharchenko family, Valeria Tunnikova, explained to TASS that the authorities had long decided to seize this apartment as illegally acquired. However, they could not take her away, since a minor child was registered there.

“Now the Federal Property Management Agency has filed a lawsuit to evict the tenants, and the court satisfied this claim. We consider this decision illegal and intend to appeal against it,” the lawyer added.

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