The construction of the mosque starts in Vladivostok

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In Vladivostok, this year it is planned to begin construction of a mosque, which will become a gift to the Muslims of Primorye from the Republic of Tatarstan. The site for the object has already been selected, the paperwork is underway, reports IA PrimaMedia on January 13.

As Olga Ivchenko, deputy director of the Primorye Department of Internal Policy, told the agency, an area in the area of ​​Proselochnaya street, 30, was designated for construction.

The land on the Proselochnaya is under the jurisdiction of the Russian Ministry of Defense, now the process of transferring it to the ownership of the region is underway. In the future, the site will be transferred to the organization responsible for interaction with Tatarstan on the construction of the Kazan mosque. This will presumably take several months.

It is planned to start construction work by the summer. The area of ​​the mosque will be 420 square meters. The construction cost, according to the project, is estimated at 100 million rubles.

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