A resident of Neyelovo, who hit his “beloved” with a bottle of vodka, is threatened with criminal punishment. As the “MK in Pskov” was told in the prosecutor’s office of the Pskov region, the incident took place in the dark on January 21 this year.
In the middle of the night, a 38-year-old man woke up in his apartment in a village house in Neyelovo. He had drunk alcohol the day before and vaguely remembered how the evening had ended. As the accused later explained, it seemed to him that while he was dozing, his partner was leaving the house. He woke up the “beloved” and made a scandal for her.
While the woman tried to justify herself, the jealous roommate kicked her in the stomach and then hit her on the head with a bottle of vodka.
And although the woman’s health was slightly damaged, she did not forget the offense and turned to the police. Now the case of her aggressive roommate is being dealt with by law enforcement agencies.